Credit lenders hold all the cards when it comes to interest rate changes

Many consumers are quickly learning that the old method of getting…

Reading a credit card statement can help consumers

Many consumers across the country may have noticed that their…

Representative pushing for debit card fee caps

Despite a great deal of resistance, Representative Barney Frank…

As debt consolidation worries ease, credit card companies pump up the mail volumes

The results of a study recently released by Mintel Comperemedia…

New Federal Reserve website could help those in credit card debt

A new website run by the Federal Reserve will serve as a clearinghouse…

Slashed credit card fees could hurt issuers, but help with bill consolidation

In the wake of a successful amendment to the Senate's financial…

Interchange fee legislation could deal blow to credit card companies

An amendment to an omnibus financial regulation bill currently…

Best job market for young adults in Austin, Texas, says survey

A new study released Monday by has found that…

Is it harder to get rich now than it was in the past?

Americans who are struggling through debt counseling and feel…

Discover faces decline in earnings and net yields for Q4 2009

One of the new regulations established by the Credit Card Accountability…